Student on a budget: Shopping on Taobao

So how does this Taobao thing work? You find what you want on Taobao, copy the link and paste it in ezbuy (it’s a middleman service that helps you ship your stuff over to Singapore from China)! You can actually just shop on ezbuy but I still prefer Taobao because it’s cheaper and you can…

Student on a budget: Thrift Shopping

Who doesn’t love cheap stuff? That satisfaction you get when you buy something good at a ridiculously low price and fitting too? Reasons why I absolutely love shopping on taobao but it’s not everyday that you get free agent fee and free shipping. I’ve never been to a thrift shop before so when I came…

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Apple Watch: keep watching

So Tim Cook walks on stage at the Apple headquarters in Cupertino and unveils the latest flashy attraction that Apple drones have been speculating and perhaps salivating over: The new Apple Watch. The display, a polished and pridefully named Retina display, shows practically every colour of the spectrum in shades that would appear dull in real life. Introducing…

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Affordable alternatives to Daniel Wellington

Daniel Wellington. The name back in the past might have sounded like the name of an average Joe on a list of average Joes, or perhaps a Daniel sloshing around in a pair of Wellies. Today, when this name is mentioned, a particular watch may come to mind. With a slim watch face framed by silver and…

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Society 6, where artist and consumer meet

Accessories are literally the best thing to have ever happened to mankind. Accessories allow us to express our individuality and to turn an outfit from something blah to something with oomph by adding subtle details that make our wearable possessions unique to us. Particularly with so many big name brands hawking the same mass market merchandise, and 7/10…