Doujin Market: Singapore’s Pop-Culture Event

Doujin Market, Doujinma for short, came back again this year! The annual event was held on 4 and 5 May, from 12pm to 7pm, at Suntec Convention and Exhibition Centre. It featured mostly anime or anime-related merchandise from various artists and creators. Admission was free! Isn’t that great? Photo credit: (top to bottom) ladderbros instagram,…

League of Legends MSI 2019: Teams to look out for

It’s that time of the year again. Thirteen teams hailing from various regions duke it out in the Mid-Season Invitational (MSI) 2019, one of the biggest tournaments League has to offer, second only to Worlds itself. Let’s take a look at the five teams representing the major regions, and what they’re bringing to the table.…

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice: The Art of Difficulty

The world is set in the 1500s, during the Japanese Sengoku period. As a Shinobi tasked to protect my Master, the Divine Heir Kuro, from any evil, I find myself on a mission to rescue and escort him to safety when the Ashina clan kidnaps him. Here is where Sekiro starts to differ from the…

Take your brain functions higher with Elevate

“Elevate — Brain Training Games”: Heighten your mental agility and capacity with this application, which is designed to improve the brain’s cognitive function with fun, engaging games. The app tailors itself to meet your learning goals. It begins with a short quiz to gauge your current abilities. You will then be given options as to the…

Club Penguin closing? Waddle on!

29 March 2017 marks an important date in my life. Nope, it’s not my birthday, nor is it the day I will be receiving my final results. Instead, today marks the demise of my longtime bestie, Club Penguin. Yes, the much beloved online virtual game site, Club Penguin, is shutting down. Club Penguin was published in 2005…

The Hooker (2.1)

The time has finally come. The dreaded hook of Roadhog that made the character infamous has finally been given a well-deserved, long awaited patch. The ridiculously frustrating hook has been replaced by what developers call “Hook 2.0”, hoping to bring a change to the notorious and universally hated “Hook 1.0”. The change is huge, but…

Aghanim arrives for more Dota 2 Heroes: Patch 6.84

The 6.84 patch has finally come out. There are many major changes that came with this patch such as Aghanim upgrades for more Heroes, 8 new items and also various buffs and nerfs on many more heroes. This patch has added the most Aghanim upgrade on Heroes to date. With the Aghanim upgrade, a Hero can…

Besiege: Engineering Ingenuity

Having equipped my machine with all sorts of weaponry, I lower its arms and send it into battle. Blood of my enemies splatters the landscape as my buzzsaws rip bodies apart, while the cannon shred buildings to pieces. Be wary, Besiege is not for the faint-hearted although it may look kid-friendly. Besiege is a machine-building game.…